Enterprise Security Magazine Europe: binsec als einer der Top Cyber Security Solution Provider anerkannt

Heute habe ich eine sehr nette Mail von Gloria vom Enterprise Security Magazine Europe erhalten, in der mir mitgeteilt wird, dass binsec einer der Top Cyber Security Solution Provider ist.

Hi Patrick,

I am Gloria Lam with Enterprise Security Magazine Europe.

I am excited to inform you that our magazine’s evaluation panel has shortlisted binsec to feature as one of the ‘Top 10 Cyber Security Solution Providers in Europe 2022’ in our upcoming 2nd annual edition of ‘Cyber Security 2022’.

We want to feature binsec and bring out your specialization with a client-centric profile. binsec ‘s recognition feature published in this edition will depict your organization as a leader in the Cyber Security space and thus generate potential prospects while helping you convert existing prospects to clients. Our team has received positive feedback from our clients that the recognition profile has helped them convert their prospects to clients, and I’m sure you will see similar results.

At 3,000 Euros, you will receive a full-page exclusive interview-based profile. We will feature an HTML page of the profile on our website with a backlink to your website. Most importantly, you will acquire unlimited print and digital rights for the recognition profile, Logo, and Certificate of Honor. Upon your confirmation, we will schedule a telephonic interview with binsec ‘s CEO/Senior Management for us to move ahead.

Concerning the magazine, Enterprise Security Magazine Europe is a print and digital magazine with over 99,900 qualified subscribers across Europe. It provides a comprehensive platform for senior-level industry experts and decision-makers to share their insights following a unique learn-from-peers approach. This special edition will reach out to C-level decision-makers such as CISOs, Directors of Cyber Security, and Heads of Audit for Information security and privacy, to name a few, who are our subscriber base.

Patrick, we have worked with Industry leaders such as Ramy Houssaini (Chief Cyber & Technology Risk Officer & Group Privacy Officer at BNP Paribas); Steve Williamson (Audit Account Director, Information Security, and Data Privacy at GSK); Cedric Gourio (Group Chief Security Officer at Worldline), to name a few. Similarly, this year, we will have articles from such specialists. It will be an excellent platform for binsec to be highlighted along with them.

E-Mail von Gloria with Enterprise Security Magazine Europe, 19.10.2022

3.000 Euro, um als Top 10 gelistet zu werden und einen Backlink zu bekommen. Ist das nicht ein großartiges Angebot?

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